Before the flames came/Encounter
When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, behold, a smoking firepot
and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the halves of the carcasses.
—Genesis 15:17
On a hill, I always thought, I’d have an encounter, woman
to God; or in the candled calm of some huge-statued
basilica, its sparkling dark. Perhaps at a tree-
starved shrine, with pilgrims stretched in crocodile;
or in bed—through the night—like in Psalm 63.
Maybe via an angel, masquerading
as a stranger. Or in the bath,
public or private—it’s not unheard of.
But—en la poesía—how could it happen?—
pen and paper prodding to prayer—to prepare.
Just as father Abram—with promise of offspring
plenty as stars—offered sacrifice:
animals caught, blood-let, slaughtered, halved, set out in a line.