‘Spoz’s work has spikey hair, carries a megaphone and wears a f**k the system T-shirt. And just like Spoz himself, beneath the spikes and the noise, inside it, there sits a thumping heart full of a drive and passion big enough to try and change the world.’ – Steven Camden AKA Polarbear
Spoz’s poetry in Sometimes Angry is bold and direct and packs a punch. His work oozes life as he mixes sometimes humour and sometimes anger to great effect. His words mean something and have nothing to hide. And they strive to find the way towards something better. Spoz is an incredible performer but his words deserve to be read and savoured and pondered upon. This collection contains both recent and more distant work from a poet who will touch a million hearts and minds.
Sometimes Angry
- Spoz AKA Giovanni Esposito
- 26 Sep 2019
- PBK: £10.99
- ISBN: 978 1 912565 26 9
- 88 pages 216 x 138 • 28 poems
- Market: General/trade
- Genre: Poetry Collection