The Lolitas is an extraordinary first collection. It is a genre distorting, disconcerting, dystopia of daughters, single parenting, love and abuse. From the lyric tenderness of the first kiss, to a place where poetry borders with reportage and records the experience of working with groomed girls in the care system. Darkly humorous, the work weaves working class narratives of fiction, fact and foretelling, in an intensely readable, page-turning glut of the gamine. The collection is in part a response to Nabokov’s Lolita, a response to the #metoo movement, and includes poems that explore the story of Shamina Begum, the Jeffrey Epstein scandal and how Japan treats teenage girls. We are thrilled to be able to bring this vital new work from this extremely important poet.
The Lolitas
- Louise Fazackerley
- 9 Jan 2020
- PBK: £9.99
- ISBN: 978 1 912565 36 8
- 78 pages 216 x 138 • 30 poems
- Market: General/trade
- Genre: Poetry Collection