Need some feedback on a small group of poems? (Do they work individually? Do they work together? How should I focus my work?) Don’t know what to do for the best to move your poetry forwards and increase your visibility? (Magazines? Competitions? Groups? Workshops? Mentoring? Funding?) Not sure where you have got to and what your priorities should be?
We are offering Zoom based one-to-ones with our editor to help you to answer these questions and more! Before the meeting, they will spend some quality time with up to six of your poems, look at your poetry biography to understand what help you have sourced previously and where you are on your journey, ask you to elaborate on the precise help you require and what your current priority for focus is.
The session itself will last an hour at a time that is convenient to both you and them. Discussion will be wide ranging, but will focus on coming up with actions and next steps for you to follow.
After the session you will be provided with notes about what was said and ideas that were had with a useful plan of action for your way forward. Links will be provided to useful information and bodies who can provide further help where needed.
These sessions will be limited in number to four each quarter and will take place in March, June, August and November. They will fill up quickly.
The cost of a session is £59.99. You can book your place by following this link to the sessions page of our shop. We look forward to hearing from you.
“Meet the Editor offers a rare opportunity to speak candidly and in depth about both craft and career development. Stuart’s extensive experience as an editor, bookseller and festival director makes for valuable insights and practical, achievable advice. I found my session unexpectedly moving. I came out of it with freshly focused intentions that felt more coherent and realistic.” – Kirsten Luckins